Artist Agata Olek’s live knitted figurative sculptures were an impressive component of the D.U.M.B.O. Art Under the Bridge Festival in Brooklyn, NY.
Magda Sayeg is a textile artist who founded Knitta Please. She and her group are credited with establishing the international yarn bombing movement.
Juliana Santacruz Herrera practices guerilla knitting in the streets of Paris by creating these shocking pothole patches.
This street bench by StreetColor intentionally refers to a painting in the Oakland Museum Collection by Squeak Carnwath, In Pursuit of Happiness, 2000.
Los Angeles artist Kim Burk admittedly uses patterns to create her sea creatures which she strategically places in throughout the city. Kim knits almost constantly, and to prove that this is nothing new she has supplied this vintage photograph.
Boys knitting while rollerskating! 1918
One question remains... What will you do if it rains?
“The knitting should hold up to rain, wool can get wet. I guess they may swell and fall down. They were never intended to last forever, they are like street flowers.”
That almost makes me want to knit. Very impressive for sure.